
Sunday thoughts: plant care

We were so productive on this snowy Sunday. I love to end weekends this way, building momentum into a new week. 

One of the home things that's been killing me for some time is our citrus trees' infestation of scale. We have no idea how scale insects got on our indoor lime and clementine trees and for a long time didn't know that that was what they were. All we noticed was sticky sap on the floor around our trees and sappy dew on the leaves. The trees (we've named then Liam and Clem) were not doing so well either, losing leaves here and there. 

An Internet search confirmed that our trees were afflicted with scale and I started to research ways to get rid of them. Two weekends ago I tried wiping them down with an alcohol and water solution. This didn't really do the job and so I decided to order neem oil, which was recommended by many sites including the one I'd ordered my trees from. Kev and I used old toothbrushes to scrub down the branches and leaves with soapy water before applying the oils. The scrubbing took a couple of hours and we were both losing it a bit at the end. 

We'll do another application in a couple of weeks and hopefully our trees will come back to full health eventually! 

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