
Window shopping

October's long weekend is coming up, and I am so happy to have had a wonderfully full September. I like to have lots of things on my calendar to look back on and know that I lived in those weeks and months. I dislike the thought of having long stretches of time pass without activity and without memory-making. And so this month's planning is underway.

This weekend there is an event called the Yarn Crawl going on in yarn stores across the city in Brooklyn and Manhattan. It's an adorable if nerdy idea, and I'm planning to make a stop at one or more participating shops to see and experience the world of yarn enthusiasts. My mom more so belongs to this culture, and happily she already has her store, Smiley's in Woodhaven, with enigmatic hours and plastic crates for shopping baskets.

K and I are going to wake up early tomorrow and head to the Whitney, to see an exhibit that from the museum's website looks like an interactive miniature of the vastness of outer space, both total darkness and light, illusions and infinity. The rule is that visitors can enter only one at a time - creepy and thrilling together.

As I write this I am sitting on the subway heading to work, with Friday still to go. Today there is good work to be done, and this evening there is happy hour.

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