
lost & replaced

Last time I went out with some friends, I borrowed my sister's pair of Dagger Earrings by nOir. After hot sake, tequila, sauvignon blanc, and an art gallery featuring Care Bear dolls with human heads and a video of a dancing hot dog turned lingerie-clad woman, one of the earrings went missing. Surprised? Actually I was - I'm freakishly good at keeping track of my tinier pieces of jewelry. Devastated? You bet. We loved those earrings, she and I both. 

She was a great sport about it when I broke the news via text, and said that we can be that cool person who wears only one earring. Yea, we could do that, but no, I don't want to!

So yesterday, (and in this case I must concede the universe cradled me in its arms) nOir was featured on Gilt Groupe again. After a frantic walk to the Apple Store from brunch for internet access, I snagged another pair! A small miracle.

Now we can be that cool person who wears 3 daggers in their ears. 

1=cool. 3=cooler. It's math, baby.

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