
Sunday thoughts: venturing farther

At my new job I'm finding that the hours fly by in the day. The pace is fueled half by the actual volume of work and half by my self imposed new-joiner stress. I recall a throwaway buzzfeed piece: "Are You a Functional Hot Mess?" The tell is if you constantly find yourself saying "I can't believe it's already [10/noon/5pm]!" 

I think it all the time, say it too sometimes. 

Kev has been so supportive of this change in my schedule, encouraging me to tackle tasks on Sundays so that I feel better about Mondays. It helps a lot. 

He's also been great at making the most of our downtime too. Yesterday we visited my mom for an early Mother's Day hello and on the way back he suggested we make a stop at our neighborhood tiki joint, End of the Century Bar for a drink. 

Walking into the place with its pleasantly sparse late afternoon crowd and drinking an amazing honey infused rum cocktail out of a ceramic head was 30 minutes of standstill luxury. We had groceries in the car, some of which needed refrigeration, and yet I didn't worry a bit while we were there. 

It was a moment of quiet happiness: having a drink with my partner in life, and moments like that are the ones that stack softly, softly one after another and together build a world of light. 

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